Monday 30 May 2011

Thor 3D

Saw this film last night as a last minute decision really. It's been out for weeks and it was never a priority to be seen but it was seen anyway for various reasons.
Anyway, we have Thor! God of Thunder! I didn't really know much about Thor going into it really, never read the comics (never touched a comic really) so this new Marvel film was completely knew to me and you know what...

I enjoyed it.

And that is what is important. How can I judge this film for being anything more than it's meant to be except entertaining? I don't know what the comic fans think, but this film certainly looked cool.

The story plays out a little like this, we have two sons of the great King of Asgard (played wonderfully by Anthony Hopkins), Thor (Chris Hemsworth) and Loki (Tom Hiddleston). When the Frost Giants (the enemies) mysteriously manage to enter Asgard and attempt to steal back their power, Thor is enraged and travels to Jotenheim to confront and battle the Frost Giant leader, damaging the fragile truce between them and his father. Angry, Thor's father takes away Thor's powers and banishes him to Earth. There he meets Jane (Natalie Portman), a scientist and her friends. How does he get back to Earth? and find out...
So the film's effects are really good. All the costumes are great and it's very humorous, to be expected as it's directed by Kenneth Brannagh. I read somewhere that they did a really good job of translating this to film becuase the dialogue from the comic could seem pretty laughable if executed poorly. But it was perfect from what I could see. All kudos go to Brannagh, after all, he is the shakespeare guy and he knows probably how to handle a bit of Thor dialogue.
Now, Chris Hemsworth was excellant. He was so bloody charming! He had all the women in the cinema weak in the knees, butterflies in the stomach whenever he smiled.  He was so charismatic and you could just sense his enjoyment as he played the role.
British actor Tom Hiddleston was very good as the quiet, mysterious, sneeky little brother. Sometimes however, I could sense a little over acting a little towards the end but that might just be me being picky.
A few complaints was that the movie feeled a bit too rushed for me. Despite having quite a straight forward plot, there was a lot of background and exposition to get through and the introducing of the characters that are important for the film. Another complaint would be Natalie Portman's character. We all know how much of a wonderful actress she is but her role seemed pretty uneccessary for this film except to provide a bit of fluff. I'd say the 3D was average, it wasn't really needed to be honest. But I'd give it credit for the fact that it wasn't tacky, in-your-face 3D.

Overall, worth seeing for a bit of fun and Hollywood entertainment. Don't bother splashing out the extra ten quid for 3D glasses if you bring your family along though.


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