Thursday 19 May 2011


Saw this film two weeks ago, I know its really late but I've been busy lately with school...stuff...*grumbles*.
Okay, so this film is pretty much my fantasy personality on screen. Hanna is everything any teenage girl would dream of being. She's smart, fiesty and best of all, knows how to tackle and put down groups of testerone heavy men. She's played by the incredibly talented Saoirse Ronan whose name I only recently learned to pronouce; (ser-sha) Ronan!
The film starts out with Hanna and her father (Erik Bana) living a low profile in the middle of a snowy landscape in Germany. In the first few minutes we are given an insight into Hanna's way of life and the intense training that went into making her what she is now. She's designed to be less human than others for reasons you find out later...(oops). Then Cate Blanchett comes in playing the bad woman who is of course after her aided by a bunch of camp hitmen.
There isn't really much of a story but what makes it great is the character piece it is. Hanna just really wants to be a normal girl and to tell the truth, I think we all would if we were being persued day and night by people that want nothing good to do with you. Further into the film she comes across a British family on a holiday and eventually befriends the spunky teenage daughter. The family was a perfect way of illustrating exactly what Hanna desires, a normal family and to experience the pleasures of the world for once in her life.
It's very original in the way it was translated onto screen. The film is incredibly stylish and beautiful to look at, especially Ronan who has one of the most fascinating faces currently on the silver screen. She's beautiful, not in that conventional way, but she emotes so well and manages to keep it relatively understated which is remarkable.
Now, there is one action sequence that needs a mention involving Erik Bana in a sort of underpass thing which is just so incredibly cool. It was done all in one shot where he takes out about a dozen men! It's one of the coolest action scenes since that epic strobe light scene in Kick Ass.

The only complaints have to be the way this film is finished. The ending could've have been better but I only think this is because I felt it ended too soon and they could have found a better way to conclude the story then give a great film a slightly rushed ending.

Anyway, go and see it. It is well worth it.


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