Thursday 31 March 2011

Blinded by infatuation: Encounters with fanatics

As you're a teenager and your growing up through school surrounded by other teenagers there is always going to be a new craze. Whether it be a new Youtube star *cough* Justin Beiber *cough* there is always going to be something that all the girls and all the boys go for. I attend an all girls school in North London and as you can imagine there are individual fanatics at every angle.
I'm not completely complaining. Sometimes others being obsessed with something can be quite fascinating when they are so interested that they tell you everything they know about it, as long as it's not stupid. Now some girls are ridiculous but I'm not going to act all innocent here becuase you should see me and Harry Potter but when their interest goes as far as saying something is good becuase of good looking guys/girls, basically eye candy I find it ridiculous. You can fancy someone, have a celebrity crush, but I recently met a girl who I had such a fierce debate with on the topic of Justin Beiber I just had to question it and really stop and think about it.  We were talking about his new movie "Never say Never" which I haven't seen but had heard quite a bit about it and how it documented his rise to stardom and all. All I said was that there were so many other mega talented people that never got recognised (but the main point) is how she basically lept up and attacked at my opinionated words. Yes, she had a right to her opinion I was just shocked that someone could get so angry and defensive about someone she didn't even know.
I don't know, maybe she was just passionate but the way she defended him really made my insides squirm. Her arguemts were "He's so ammmaaaziiing, he's so amaaaziiiiiinnnng, he's sooooo buuufff!"

Okay... Tell me how....

"He's just sooooo amazzzinngggg..."

I was actually starting to question the sanity and intelligence of the female sex. And I'm the last person to be critising females, believe me. I'm very proud to be female.
Now you compare that to people who are interested in Justin Beiber for the quality of his music, his morals and what that means to them. Those are the people I fully respect. So sometimes I just wish people would open their eyes and mind and really figure out why they liked something. I'm culprit for it, I'm sure everyone is for at least one point in their early lives becuase when your a teenager you're easily blinded by infatuation.

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