Monday 18 July 2011

Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows: Part 2!

IT ALL ENDS. The books and the films may have ended but for millions of people like myself, Harry Potter will never end and it will stay with me forever. I feel so priviledged to have spent a part of my childhood and adolesence growing up against one of my favourite literary adventures ever and to have watch the series progress from light fantasy and conclude with films so meticulous in production design, that have a more complex plot and a darker more sophisticated feel.
Without a doubt, Part 2 of the final Harry Potter film is everything I could have hoped from the film. It's spectacular visually but does something that many Hollywood films fail to do nowadays, it blends spectacle and moving drama seamlessly.
Looking around on the internet I've come across people who feel the need to compare the series with other big names such as "Lord of the Rings: The return of the King", mentioning the scale of the battles in each film and each film's epicness. Why compare the two final films? Lord of the Rings was able to have big scaled battles becuase it was the fight for middle earth and the objective of the trilogy was to get something done and fight for a world. Deathly Hallows is rounding off and concluding a mystery that's been running through for eight films and there isn't much time for war, characters take the centre stage in the second act of this film and the battle takes place in the background and I'm happy with it.
Part 1 of Deathly Hallows was a very slow film in the middle, not much action but I liked it  because I knew that the bleakness of it was building tension for a climax that will deliver on all fronts: spectacle, drama and character detail. In terms of character, quite possibly one of the best scenes in the film, or even the series, is dedicated to Snape and Alan Rickman gives the performance of the film, pulling at everyone's heartstrings and certainly mine. Daniel Radcliffe who has grown as an actor with every film but still didn't deliver something truly special, gives it all in this final film. His performance is subtle but layered and there are moments where all emotion and the weight of this film falls on his shoulders and he totally pulls of off which would be a challenge for any actor to achieve.
Neville is given the perfect role in this film where he proves to the audience that he belongs in Gryffindor house, Ron and Hermione share a long awaited moment in a cute way but there is a part of me that wishes some of the most loved characters were given the send off they deserved instead of just seeing them dead against the ruins.

Overall, I highly, highly loved this film. Merged with Part 1, this would by far be the best in the series and it defintely is a well done final film and satisfying conclusion.